
EVENT - Nov 2nd - Columbus, Ohio : Latina Equal Pay Day + Drinks

Let's meet for drinks. Come out on Nov 2nd to acknowledge Latina Equal Pay Day 2017, the day when Latina pay catches up to that of White, non-Hispanic men from the previous year. Working Latina women only make 54 cents to every dollar white, non-hispanic men make. Find out more at https://leanin.org/equalpay and http://latinaequalpay.org/.

We will be meeting at Wolf's Ridge Brewing in the Tap Room for casual drinks, conversation and acknowledgement of this day. Come grab a drink and meet some of the other ladies from our group! (Note, we will still be having our monthly LeanIn gathering the following Saturday, November 4th)

Date: November 2nd, 2017
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Wolf's Ridge Brewing215 N. 4th Street, Columbus, OH

RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/Lean-In-Columbus/

Julene Allen Julene Allen Author


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The Lean In Ohio Chapter provides education and powerful tools for women who are aiming for the next level. Whether you are a college graduate or on top, we provide a network of support.


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Our Equal Pay Day Partners:

We’re proud to partner with the following businesses on Equal Pay Day! #20PercentCounts

“As a participant in Lean In’s Circle program, Lean In Ohio is using Lean In’s name, program logos and other branded materials under a license from LeanIn.Org. Lean In Ohio is an independent group, and LeanIn.Org does not control its activities. Visit leanin.org to learn more about Lean In and its programs.”