
Lean In Ohio 100 Women Archives: Available Now!

About:  In pursuit of Lean In Ohio’s mission to empower women with educational resources, Lean In Ohio presents The Lean In Ohio 100 Women Archives: A Keepsake of Interviews with Women Trailblazers, a three-part book series containing interviews with some of Ohio’s prominent female leaders. Each story brings you closer to its storyteller - female leaders in education, legislation, the nonprofit sector, and business.

Lean In Ohio 100 Women Archives (Volume One) features interviews with:
  1. Yvette McGee Brown, the first African-American woman to serve as justice of the highest court in the state of Ohio;
  2. Colleen Ryan, the first woman Commander of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, currently President of Vectren Energy; 
  3. Mayor Nan Whaley of Dayton, current candidate for Governor of Ohio; 
  4. Rhiannon Childs, Director of Women's March on Washington Ohio;
  5. Three-time Emmy Award-winning Reporter Sallie Taylor;
  6. Ohio Senator, Charleta Tavares and many more trailblazing women!

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The Lean In Ohio Chapter provides education and powerful tools for women who are aiming for the next level. Whether you are a college graduate or on top, we provide a network of support.


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Lean In Ohio 100 Women Archives: A Keepsake of Interviews with Women Trailblazers

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